Below are the top twenty entries from the Zany Brainy Mask Contest. Check them out!
"Mask of Electricity" - Clatcioee, Zeotoe Brendan - Age 9 Wichita
"Toa of Food" - Toaka Matthew
"Toa of Thunder" - Tarena Ben
"Toa of Magic" - Muka, lives in Mou-Koro Jonathan Niagra Falls
"Flower of Power Mask" Kaitlyn San Antonio
Nicholas- Age 13 Alpharetta
Jacob Columbia
"Mask of Camoflage" -Onucon Kellem
"Mask of Controlling the Sun" "Kahuna" Christian- Age 10
"Toa of Crystal" - The Crysler! Harry- Age 9 Rochester
Joey- Age 9 Alpharetta
"The Only Left Handed Toa" - Tokama Adam
"The Mask of Metronome" Richy
"Mask of Plant Growth" - Kanoi Pundani "Mask of Magnetic Pulsation" - Kanoi Noddaka Kari Madison
"The Mask of Weather" Matthew
"The Toa of the Jungle" The Mask of Light Jeremy
"Butterfly Bionicle" Michelle
"The Mask of More Speed" - Kani Kakami Casey
"The Toa of Armor" - Mushshi Mask - Kanohiarari Brett
"The Mask of Psychic" Dan Niagra Falls