Serial Archive Update

We have updated the serial archive with Journey’s End, as the fan community has deemed it’s not a book available for purchase.

On a side note, we did not obtain Journey’s End from Brickimedia.

4 thoughts on “Serial Archive Update

  1. Bionicle_fanatic says:

    Phew, I wondered where I was going to read it after they shut down the bio website [;)]

  2. P.Chelemer says:

    Question: Is there any chance of having a separate section for pdf versions of the Bionicle books? Because it’s not like they’re selling them anywhere, except eBay or Amazon. I think nobody would object to downloadable versions or even online versions of the Adventures, Chronicles, Legends and all the Specials being available here.

    • Auron says:

      We will be waiting to see what the community consensus on this issue is.

      • P.Chelemer says:

        The problem is finding online sources to do this. You have to either a)look really hard to find a free source, b)pay for the ebook, or c)scan the books yourself and make a pdf, if you have them.

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