The Promo CDs section has been updated, with some new additions, and some updates on existing Promo CDs.
Thanks to the work of Illuminatus from BZPower, who has tracked down a copy of every known promo CD and shared a copy with us, the following CDs have been added to the archive.
New Additions:
- Complete Mask of Light Promo CD
- Toa Nuva Promo CD (which is mostly the same as the Bohrok Swarm CD)
- Both Nestle Promo CD’s CD1 and CD2 disk images, including the music track
- Power Pack disk images, including music tracks
- BIONICLE Heroes Demo CDs (2 different versions)
- Toa Metru Promo CDs (which are largely the same as the Windows installers)
Additionally, several different versions of the 2001 Toa Mata CD are also available now, with some differing content.
Different Versions:
- Toa Mata CD
- Toa Mata Mini CD (European) (Gold/Tan)
- Content Type 1
- Toa Mata Mini CD (European) (Black & White)
- Content Type 1
- Toa Mata Mini CD (European) (Color)
- Content Type 2
- Toa Mata CD (German) (Color)
- Content Type 2
- Toa Mata Mini CD (American) (Black & White)
- Content Type 3
- Toa Mata Mini CD (American) (Color)
- Content Type 4
- Toa Mata Mini CD (European) (Gold/Tan)
In additions to these new additions, we also now have disk images of all the other promo CDs, which can be mounted with disk image mounting software. Same as before, we also offer extracted disk image content in a ZIP files as an alternate download, if you find that more convenient.
Head over to the Promo CDs page to download the new content!
You can also say thanks to Illuminatus on their BZPower topic!
A full list of content donated by Illuminatus can be found on the credits page.