Category Archives: Uncategorized

Unreleased 2001 Music Track Uncovered

We’ve tracked down an extended version of The Bionicle Music from the 2001 Powerpack, as well another Bionicle song completely unknown prior to now!

The extended Bionicle Music and the new track, Bionicle Age, can be listened to in our 2001 playlist on the Music page (scroll to Songs>2001). Alternatively, you can download mp3+flac versions using this link. 

We’ve also added to the streaming playlist the Barcode Brothers Megamix that was included on the 2001 Nestle promo CD. Enjoy!

G2 Content Incoming

It’s been a long time coming, but while a big reinvention project is taking place behind the scenes, we are beginning to add Generation 2 content to the site for your viewing pleasure.

You can find the webisodes on the videos page now (scroll to the end). Look for more additions soon!

Promo CDs New and Old

The Promo CDs section has been updated, with some new additions, and some updates on existing Promo CDs.

Thanks to the work of Illuminatus from BZPower, who has tracked down a copy of every known promo CD and shared a copy with us, the following CDs have been added to the archive.

New Additions:

  • Complete Mask of Light Promo CD
  • Toa Nuva Promo CD (which is mostly the same as the Bohrok Swarm CD)
  • Both Nestle Promo CD’s CD1 and CD2 disk images, including the music track
  • Power Pack disk images, including music tracks
  • BIONICLE Heroes Demo CDs (2 different versions)
  • Toa Metru Promo CDs (which are largely the same as the Windows installers)

Additionally, several different versions of the 2001 Toa Mata CD are also available now, with some differing content.

Different Versions:

  • Toa Mata CD
    • Toa Mata Mini CD (European) (Gold/Tan)
      • Content Type 1
    • Toa Mata Mini CD (European) (Black & White)
      • Content Type 1
    • Toa Mata Mini CD (European) (Color)
      • Content Type 2
    • Toa Mata CD (German) (Color)
      • Content Type 2
    • Toa Mata Mini CD (American) (Black & White)
      • Content Type 3
    • Toa Mata Mini CD (American) (Color)
      • Content Type 4

In additions to these new additions, we also now have disk images of all the other promo CDs, which can be mounted with disk image mounting software. Same as before, we also offer extracted disk image content in a ZIP files as an alternate download, if you find that more convenient.

Head over to the Promo CDs page to download the new content!

You can also say thanks to Illuminatus on their BZPower topic!

A full list of content donated by Illuminatus can be found on the credits page.

BMPRPG Experimental Game

The RPG has been on hold now for a very long time, so the leaders have created some new rules and are testing them out on the forums.  We also need some people who will act as guinea pigs and play the game so we can figure out what works and what doesn’t.  Plus, it’s just in time to be a Christmas present to everyone.

Check out the game here:

Merry Christmas everyone!

Music Archive 2.1.0 Release

It’s been a long time coming, but we’re finally ready to release Audio 2.1.0! If you saw the trailer for the release a few days ago, then you know some of the great stuff that’s new in this version. This massive update includes music from BIONICLE Heroes, the fan film BIONICLE: Quest of the Toa, tracks from the BIONICLE Style Guides, new rips from dozens of flash games, all new material from the film trilogy, and more! Vakhiti and I put over six long months of work into this, so we’re definitely pleased with how it turned out.

You can download it at the music page! We’ll try to update the streaming music accordingly in the coming weeks. Enjoy!

For a detailed look at what’s been changed, take a look at the changelog:


– In version 2.0.0, nearly all music files were unconverted to a constant bitrate (CBR) of 320 kilobytes per second (kbps). In this version, most tracks have been encoded using the variable bitrate (VBR) method. This reduces file size immensely while keeping the quality of the music the same.

– Sound effects, podcasts, and CD voiceovers have all been removed from this archive, as they add unnecessary filesize. You can find these three items in their respective compressed files under the “Music” tab on the BMP website.


– BIONICLE: Mask of Light, BIONICLE 2: Legends of Metru Nui, and BIONICLE 3: Web of Shadows have been ripped and edited through the use of each film’s respective DTS 5.1 surround mix. The music for all three films is audibly much higher quality and more complete than anything the BMP has provided before. Also included is the music to the first two films’ trailers.

– BIONICLE: The Legend Reborn has been re-ripped, with slightly less SFX. One track previously missing has been added (‘Inception Tale’) as well as the opening title card music to the “Metus’ Revenge” short.


– The Bohrok Online Animations have been re-ripped yet again. No new material is presented, but the music has been put together to flow closer to the way it sounds in the animations themselves.

– Similarly, the Bohrok-Kal Online Animations have been re-ripped. No new material is presented, but the music has been put together to flow closer to the way it sounds in the animations themselves.

– The Toa Hordika and the Mask of Light theme has been updated with a higher quality version from the Web of Shadows DVD (added to ‘Miscellaneous” folder).


– The Mata Nui Online Game has been recompiled again. We have reverted back to Planetperson’s “unofficial soundtrack” and present it here almost identically to how it was presented by Planetperson himself in 2009. Changes include the use of the Gold CD to make small sound changes to select tracks, the re-ordering of several tracks, and the addition of one extra track, which went unused in the final game.

– Mata Nui Online Game II: The Final Chronicle has also been re-ripped, and has been edited so that loops are more smoothly repeated.

– Music from The Battle for Mata Nui has been added.

– The music to a second trailer for BIONICLE: The Game has been added from the Legends of Metru Nui DVD.

– Intro to Matoran Adventures has been re-ripped.

– Rhotuka Spinner Challenge has been ripped (added to ‘Miscellaneous” folder).

– BIONICLE Battle Zone has been ripped (added to ‘Miscellaneous” folder).

– Inika Island Assault has been re-ripped.

– Island Investigation has been ripped.

– Matoran Escape has been ripped.

– Voya Nui Adventure has been ripped.

– The soundtrack to the console version of BIONICLE Heroes has been added.

– SFX removed from a few tracks in BIONICLE Heroes (GBA).

– The Barraki Platform game has been re-ripped.

– Mistika Minigames have been ripped.

– Command the Toa Mahri has been re-ripped.

– Glatorian Arena 2 has been ripped.

– Thornax Training Arena has been ripped.

– Agori Defender has been re-ripped, and the various music stems are presented separately.


– New lossless copies of the Power Pack music (see the Credits for more information) have allowed us to make higher-quality copies of each track

– The original copies of several songs (Hero, Creeping in My Soul, Face Me, Gravity Hurts, Closer to the Truth) have been recovered and are provided here. These are the original encodes provided by; only the tags have been changed.

– “Caught in a Dream” has been updated with a higher quality version from the Web of Shadows DVD.

– The final version of Caught in a Dream was erroneously labeled as a demo in version 2.0.0 (hence, the track was included twice while the demo was excluded entirely). This has been corrected.

– Downloadable songs from Voya Nui Adventure have been added.

– The instrumental version of “Gravity Hurts” has been removed, due to its low-quality nature.

– “Bye Bye Babylon” has been updated with a higher quality version from the The Legend Reborn DVD.


– The two tracks that can be heard on the BIONICLE Style Guide CDs have been ripped.

– The Rahkshi Rock theme has been re-ripped, and is now higher quality than previous encodes.

– Infected Lewa from the Mask of Light test animation has been added.

– There was an audio glitch in the “Singing Squid” track; it has been re-ripped.

– The theme to the Toa Terrain Crawler has been re-ripped and re-edited.

– The ambience from the 2003 promotional CDs has been added.

– Material from Jonathan Kaplan’s unfinished fan film, “BIONICLE: Quest of the Toa”, has been added.

We need management staff!

After a series of recent events, it has become clear to me that need an additional person to join the BMP’s management team.

Why are we establishing a separation between regular BMP Staff and BMP Management?

The first thing you should know about the BMP is that we have a very high new staff member dropout rate.  The vast majority of new staff don’t even last a year before they disappear, which is due to new staff members’ inability to work independently on a regular basis.

As such, we cannot grant every new staff member all of the available privileges right away, because experience has shown us that most staff are likely to drop out at some point; disappearing from the BMP is the norm, and staff that stick around are the rare exception.  Given this high dropout rate, we have deemed it necessary to be more careful about who we grant full access to.

Why now?

1) We have lost one of our longest-serving senior staff members, Mints97, who has contributed a great deal to Project Brick’s LEGO game collection.  He’s worked with us for several years, and we greatly appreciate the work that he’s done, but he no longer has the time to work with us on a regular basis.

2) An uncertain interest level within our existing staff.  We cannot simply invite existing staff to join BMP management because of its additional obligations, training, and time required; doing so would require significant changes in how they work with us, though we do welcome current staff to apply for this role if they believe they are capable.

3) My personal spare time has been decreasing as of late.  I will still be following the BMP staff requirements, but I have noticed that the existing spare time I have has been taken up by crawling of new content, rather than used more effectively in providing leadership, which is what drives the BMP to make progress on the projects we start, as opposed to the archives that we habitually update.  Archive updates are great and all, but we do have long-term projects that we want to complete.

4) Every organization needs to have some level of succession planning in order to be prepared for the loss of management staff, whether planned or unplanned.  Different people fulfill roles, and it would be more difficult for one person to cover the duties normally completed by two people.

5) JMMB, who is heir apparent of the BMP, has expressed a greater level of interest in working on the technical side of the BMP.  He will still be given leadership of the BMP if I ever decide to leave the BMP(though I have no plans of doing so at the moment), but in the event that he decides to pass the torch to someone else due to this preference, it would be better for the organization to have a staff member who has already been trained to lead the BMP, rather than one who would have to learn all these skills from scratch.

What does this role involve?

I will be personally training the candidate to become a member of the BMP management staff, who are responsible for ensuring that the BMP reaches its long term goals.  The candidate will serve as my personal assistant for the duration of their training, as well as my protégé, and in so doing will learn how to do everything that I would normally do in the course of my duties.  In the event of my departure from the BMP, the candidate may become the leader of the BMP, at JMMB’s discretion.  As such, I will be teaching the candidate everything I know about the BMP and effective leadership of it, as well as the skills necessary to complete common tasks.  Since my role at the BMP is not an overly technical one, most of the training will consist of leadership skills and methodologies that are relevant to the BMP.

There will be two phases of training that the candidate will have to pass, though there is overlap between them.  The first stage is standard new BMP staff member training, where I will teach the candidate how to accomplish common tasks, and the second stage comprises leadership training.  Completion of the second stage will allow the candidate to join the BMP management staff, who are responsible for ensuring the security of the BMP and assisting with strategic planning to help the BMP reach its goals.

Please don’t take this position lightly.  This position is intended for a dedicated, eloquent, hard-working person who has the desire to join the management team of a LEGO fan organization.  This is without a doubt the most demanding position ever offered at the BMP, though I don’t think it is unjustifiably so, as management staff at all organizations do need to spend more time working on them than regular staff.


  • Time, lots of it. Most of the training is going to be done over email, so you have to be alright with frequent email conversations.  You’ll need 1-3 hours to spend on the BMP on most days of the week.  This is definitely NOT a position for people with busy schedules – this position is likely to take up as much time as a part time job – seriously.  If anyone you know would describe your schedule as even slightly busy, do not apply.
  • Good spelling, grammar, and writing skills. It is expected that leadership figures are able to express themselves clearly and at length.
  • The ability to think logically first, and emotionally second. We need someone knows which relationships matter and acts to preserve them.
  • Access to and experience with Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Acrobat
  • Respond to emails at least three times per week for the majority of the year, preferably daily
  • Check the team Google Doc at least three times per week for the majority of the year, preferably daily
  • Complete at least one to-do list task every six weeks for the majority of the year.

If this sounds like something you’re capable of, please send an application to with a sample of your writing, and an explanation of why you think you’d be good candidate for this position.

Style Guide Artwork added to gallery

Check out our Artwork page to see the new images from the recent Style Guide released by Torsti of BZPower, as well as our text version of the BIONICLE Synopsis.  There were a lot of spelling mistakes in the official BIONICLE Synopsis as it was printed, moreso than any other serial that we’ve seen yet, so I corrected as much as I could before releasing it.