After playing Nuparu77’s MNOLG Continuation and coming away impressed, we’ve added Nuparu77’s MNOLG Continuation(v1.2) to our streaming section, and to grant his project more attention we have linked the download to his BZPower forum topic. This is genuinely one of the finest fan-created BIONICLE games in recent memory, so I highly recommend playing it both to experience MNOLG nostalgia as well as how the skills of the BIONICLE community have increased overall to the point where we can create something like this.
Update 1: The current save system saves on the computer you play on, not to the site. We will investigate this issue to see if we can come up with a workaround.
Update 2: Problems are being reported with the boat to Ga-Koro. We’ll see what we can do.
Update 3: We’ll work on a fix, removed for now.