1 crag99240
 2 loverboy92500
 3 Marster J61440
 4 aidy55210
 5 Lollipop54290
 6 lollipop51910
 7 settler51170
 8 GEZ35580
 9 SAM30450
 10 cutekitten30350
 11 Chopps25140
 12 harry25070
 13 bionicle23300
 14 gab23120
 15 jai20940
 16 AshASh20240
 17 sonic77720030
 18 Dan19850
 19 jai19060
 20 boyo18900
Lego - Bionicle
Play the new LEGO® Bionicle game, post your name on the High-Score board and you could win Manas Crabs and Tarakava Boxing Lizards!

Send your friends a LEGO® Bionicle ecard! Choose from six cards to send!

(You'll need the Shockwave plugin to play the great game, if you don't have it yet, download it here.)

Win Prizes!

hiscore top 20