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Barraki Mantax

The Barraki are powerful warlords condemned to the Pit ages ago for daring to rebel against the Great Spirit. After the Great Cataclysm struck and destroyed the inner pit, the Barraki escaped to the Outher pit, where they mutated. They see the Mask of Life as the key to their freedom and will destroy Mahri Nui to get it if they must.

Mantax lurks for his enemies in the darkness and then attacks them from behind. He is equipped with a thick armor, poisonous red stingers and mighty pincers.

Mantax is the closest thing to an “outsider” among the Barraki. The others really don’t know him or understand him, even after all this time, but they tolerate him because of his bravery and his skill in combat. Whether this will cost them down the line remains to be seen.