Chapter 8: Mahri Nui

The Mask of Life is lost.

Drifting into the depths below Voya Nui, the mask is discovered first by a Matoran from the underwater village of Mahri Nui. But it is soon snatched by an evil Barraki, a former warlord who was banished to a submerged Pit for his crimes thousands of years earlier.

Thus begins an epic back-and-forth struggle to posses the Mask of Life. Six Barraki, six underwater Toa, guardians of the pit, and creatures transformed by the mask itself all struggle for possession of the powerful Kanohi.

Toa Mahri, transformed from air-breathing Toa Inika to water-breathing Toa by the power of the Mask of Life, ally with the Matoran of the underwater village. As the Toa fight for possession of the mask that can save the life of the Great Spirit Mata Nui, treacheries by ancient warlords and hidden motivations of Makuta housed in robotic form threaten to wreak havoc.

Time is running out. The Toa Mahri must destroy the stone cord that connects Mahri Nui with Voya Nui, even if it means their own deaths. But there is no time left for the dying Great Spirit, and even the sacrifice of one of the Toa will not wake the Great Spirit yet.

Read more about BIONICLE Chapter 8!

Creeps from the deep invade sunken Mahri Nui. The Mask of Life – descending from Voya Nui, floating above – draws evil Barraki as well as newly transformed Toa Mahri. The underwater village is soon at the center of a vicious battle between Barraki, Rahi, Toa, and guardians of the Pit.