Chapter 7: Voya Nui

Metru Nui lay in ruins, ravaged a thousand years before by the Visorak horde. While repairing damage to the city, the Toa Nuva learn of a threat to the very life of the Great Spirit Mata Nui, and of a mask that could save him: the Kanohi Ignika, Mask of Life. The mask lay hidden on the floating island of Voya Nui, guarded by fearsome warriors. The Toa Nuva set out to retrieve the mask.

But others are looking for the mask as well. Six Piraka thugs invade Voya Nui and convince the Matoran living on the island of doom that they are Toa, to be obeyed in all things. The Piraka force the Matoran to help them in their search for the mask, but some Matoran discover the truth and form a resistance movement. When the Toa Nuva arrive, they are ambushed and defeated by the Piraka, although they escape before being thrown into a volcano.

Six Matoran from Metru Nui set out with Takanuva to help the Toa Nuva on Voya Nui, but Takanuva is forced back so only the Matoran reach the island. The Matoran canisters were struck by lightning before landing, and they are transformed.

Into Toa Inika.

As the Toa Nuva recover, six new Toa Inika heroes chase the Piraka to a hidden chamber and past feuding guardians in hopes of finding the mask that will save Mata Nui. Despite their epic struggles, the mask is lost in the ocean – or is it truly lost?

Read more about BIONICLE Chapter 7!

The Piraka are on the loose. Pretending to be Toa, six gangsters terrorize the desolate floating island of Voya Nui and force the Matoran to help them acquire the Kanohi Ignika. But the destiny of six Matoran from Mata Nui will interfere with the Piraka’s evil plans, as they all search for the Mask of Life.